Rainham and Abberton

Kind of a wet weekend but Rainham was dry and a little sunny for a few hours Saturday so decided to make a visit, car park was quiet when we arrived , but as we walked onto the decking by the Butts hide quite a few people had spotted a pied fly catcher in trees on the left but we were just too late, and it flew off as we arrived, decided to walk down to the Kingfishers, as we walked in to quite a busy hide the 2 juviniles were showing really well, everyone was snapping away and didn’t really want to give upm thier spots, but a kind lady beckoned us over, so we only managed to get a couple fo shots.

Sunday left home in the pouing rain but it said Abberton would dry out a little later , as we arrived lovely sunshine and very few people.


Rainham Marshes Saturday


Abberton Sat and Sun